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Chapter in books
International Journals
International Conferences
Technical reports
Project deliverables
White papers

- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, “Interference mitigation techniques in modern wireless communication systems,” PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep. 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, “Analysis, design, and applications of metamaterials,” Diploma Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun. 2012.
- V. Bindhu, J. M. R. S. Tavares, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and, C. Vuppalapati, “International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems,” Springer, Oct. 2020.

Chapter in books
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Antenna misalignment and blockage in THz communications,” in Next Generation Wireless Terahertz Communication Networks, CRC Press, 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Jukan, and A. Alexiou, “MAC and Networking,” in THz Communications, to be published by Springer Nature, 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Beyond Shannon Wireless Systems Design,” in Statistical Modeling of Reliability Structures and Industrial Processes, to be published by CRC Press, 2021.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Hearing restoration through optical wireless cochlear implants,” in Human Auditory System – Function and Disorders, to be published by IntechOpen, 2022.
International Journals
- M. Mokhtar, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. K. Karagiannidis, and N. Al-Dhahir, “OFDM Opportunistic Relaying Under Joint Transmit/Receive I/Q Imbalance,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1458-1468, May 2014.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. C. Sofotasios, B. Selim, S. Muhaidat, G. K. Karagiannidis, and M. Valkama, “Effects of RF Impairments in Communications over Cascaded Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 11, Nov. 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. M. Kapinas, R. Schober, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “I/Q-imbalance self-interference coordination,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, June 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Spectrum Sensing with Multiple Primary Users over Fading Channels,” IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 20, no. 7, June 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. S. Karas, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “How much does I/Q Imbalance affect Secrecy Capacity?,” IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 20, no. 7, July 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Energy Detection Spectrum Sensing Under RF imperfections,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 7, July 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, H. A. Bany Salameh, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Spectrum Sensing in Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Networks under Hardware Imperfections,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 3, March 2017.
- D. S. Karas, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Physical layer security with Uncertainty on the Location of the Eavesdropper,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 5, Oct. 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. D. Diamantoulakis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Optimal Power Allocation for OFDMA Systems under I/Q Imbalance,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, no. 11, Nov. 2016.
- D. S. Karas, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. K. Karagiannidis, and A. Nallanathan, “Physical Layer Security in the Presence of Interference,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 6, p. 802-805, Dec. 2017.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Low-cost Cognitive Radios against Spectrum Scarcity,” IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 30-34, Nov. 2017.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Energy Detection in Full-Duplex Systems with Residual RF Impairments over Fading Channels,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 2, April 2018.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, T. Merkle, C. Schubert, R. Elschner, A. Katsiotis, P. Stavrianos, D. Krithatidis, P.-K. Charsias, J. Kokkoniemi, M. Juntii, J. Lehtomaki, A. Teixeira, and F. Rodrigues, “Terahertz Technologies to Deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Wireless System Beyond 5G,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 6, p.144-151, June 2018.
- V. Papanikolaou, G. Ntouni, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Error Performance of Power Line Communications in the Presence of Nakagami-m Background Noise,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 29, no. 8, July 2018.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Signal Quality Assessment for Transdermal Optical Wireless Communications under Pointing Errors,” MDPI Technologies, 2018.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. C. Sofotasios, S. Muhaidat, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Optical Wireless Cochlear Implants,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2019.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Papasotiriou, and A. Alexiou, “Analytical Performance Assessment of THz Wireless Systems,” IEEE Access, 2019.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Error analysis of mixed THz-RF wireless systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 2, Feb. 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in the Presence of Phase Noise,” IEEE Communications Letters, Feb. 2020.
- E. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Performance Analysis of THz Wireless Systems in the Presence of Antenna Misalignment and Phase Noise,” IEEE Communications Letters, March 2020.
- J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, M. Aminu, J. Lehtomaki, A. Alexiou, M. Juntti, “Impact of beam misalignment on THz wireless systems,” Nano Communications Networks, April 2020.
- K. Delibasis, I. Basanou, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, “Measurement and Modeling of Microbial Growth using Timelapse Video,” Sensors, April 2020.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “All-Optical Cochlear Implants,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, May 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Performance Analysis of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireless Systems and Comparison with Relaying,” IEEE Access, May 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “How much do hardware imperfections affect the performance of reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted systems?” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, July 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. E. Trevlakis, and N. D. Chatzidiamantis “Optical wireless communications for in-body and transdermal biomedical applications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Sep. 2020.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, G. K. Karagiannidis, and X. Lei, “Electrical vs Optical Cell Stimulation: A communication perspective,” IEEE Access, Oct. 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. E. Trevlakis, S. A. Tegos, V. K. Papanikolaou, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Machine Learning in Nano-Scale Biomedical Engineering,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Coverage analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systems”, IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2021.
- K. Ntontin, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. Selimis, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexiou, and S. Chatzinotas, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Optimal Placement in Millimeter-Wave Networks,” IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society, March 2021.
- A.-C. Anastou, K. K. Delibasis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, H. G. Sandalidis, A. Vavoulas, and S. K. Tasoulis, “A Low Complexity Indoor Visible Light Positioning Method,” IEEE Access, April 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Yaqub, M. Di Renzo, A. Alexiou, R. Desai, and R. Klinkenberg, “Machine Learning: A Catalyst for THz Wireless Networks,” Frontiers in Communications and Networks, July 2021.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Haneda, M. F. De Guzman, and A. Alexiou, “An Experimentally Validated Fading Model for THz Wireless Systems,” Nature Scientific Reports, Aug. 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. M. Jornet, and A. Alexiou, “A Quantitative Look at Directional Terahertz Communication Systems for 6G: Fact Check,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Sept. 2021.
- T. Tsiftis, C. Valagiannopoulos, H. Liu, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and N. Miridakis, “Metasurface-Coated Devices: A New Paradigm for Energy-Efficient and Secure 6G Communications,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Oct. 2021.
- D. Pliatsios, S. K. Goudos, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Drone-Base-Station for Next-Generation Internet-of-Things: A Comparison of Swarm Intelligence Approaches,” IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Dec. 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. Chatzidiamantis, H. G. Sandalidis, A. Alexiou, and M. Di Renzo, “Cascaded Composite Turbulence and Misalignment: Statistical Characterization and Applications to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered Wireless Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Dec. 2021.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Channel modeling for in-body optical wireless communications,” MDPI Telecom, Jan. 2022.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “A measurement data based investigation of fading modeling for indoor THz wireless systems,” ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies – Emerging trends and applications in future communication networks, May 2022.
- K. Banti, I. Karampelia, T. Dimakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Kyriakidis, and M. Louta, “LoRaWAN communication protocols: A comprehensive survey under an energy efficiency perspective,” Telecom, May 2022.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. M. Riera, and A. Alexiou, “On the Joint Effect of Rain and Beam Misalignment in Terahertz Wireless Systems,” IEEE Access, 2022.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, and M. Di Renzo, “Outage performance analysis of RIS-assisted UAV wireless systems under disorientation and misalignment,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, June 2022.
- D. Pliatsios, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. Baziana, “Joint Wireless Resource and Computation Offloading Optimization for Energy Efficient Internet of Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, June 2022.
- K. Ntontin, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Bjornson, W. A. Martins, S. Kisseleff, S. Abadal, E. Alarcon, A. Papazafeiropoulos, F. Lazarakis, and S. Chatzinotas, “Wireless Energy Harvesting For Autonomous Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Aug. 2022.
- K. Banti, I. Karampelia, E. Tsipis, T. Dimakis, N. Papadimitriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Kyriakidis, T. Karamitsou, C. Karapiperis, S. Lappos, E. Bagkavou, T. Adamidis, I. Gkanatsa, and M. Louta, “Intelligent Mechanisms for Irrigation Optimization via Treated Wastewater Management in Precision Agriculture—The AUGEIAS Example,” Environmental Sciences Proceedings, Oct. 2022.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Outdoor THz fading modeling by means of Gaussian Mixture Distribution,” Nature Scientific Reports, 2023.
- K. Ntontin, E. Björnson, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, Z. Abdullah, A. Mesodiakaki,S. Abadal, and S. Chatzinotas, "Time- and Unit-Cell Splitting Comparison for the Autonomous Operation of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1566-1582, Sept. 2023.
- A. P. Chrysologou, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, and N. D. Chatzidiamantis, "When THz-NOMA Meets Holographic Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 2516-2520, Sept. 2023.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. Pliatsios, J. Querol, and K. Ntontin, P. Sarigiannidis, S. Chatzinotas, and M. Di Renzo, "Localization as a Key Enabler of 6G Wireless Systems: A Comprehensive Survey and an Outlook," in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 4, pp. 2733-2801, 2023.
- D. J. Vergados, A. Michalas, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. Nikolaou, N. Asimopoulos and D. D. Vergados, "Adaptive Virtual Reality Streaming: A Case for TCP," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3328770.
- D. Pliatsios, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. Angelidis, A. Michalas and P. Sarigiannidis, "A Priority-Based Semi-Grant-Free NOMA: Protocol Design and Performance Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, doi: 10.1109/TGCN.2023.3336231.
- K. Ntontin, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. Abadal, A. Mesodiakaki, S. Chatzinotas, B. Ottersten, "Perpetual Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Through In-Band Energy Harvesting: Architectures, Protocols, and Challenges," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2023.
- K. Voulgaridis, T. Lagkas, C. M. Angelopoulos, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Digital product passports as enablers of digital circular economy: a framework based on technological perspective," Telecommunication Systems, 2024.
- V. Kouvakis, S. E. Trevlakis and A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, "Semantic Communications for Image-Based Sign Language Transmission," in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 1088-1100, 2024, doi: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3360191.
- S. E. Trevlakis, N. Pappas and A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, "Toward Natively Intelligent Semantic Communications and Networking," in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 1486-1503, 2024, doi: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3371871.
- K. Wang, N. Qi, H. Liu, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. A. Tsiftsis, M. Xiao, and K.-K. Wong, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Aided Energy Efficiency Maximization in Cell-Free Networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1596-1600, June 2024.
- C. G. Tsinos, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos and T. A. Tsiftsis, "NeuroRIS: Neuromorphic-Inspired Metasurfaces," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024
- A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. E. Trevlakis, T. A. Tsiftsis and A. Alexiou, "Towards Modeling and Assessing the Disorientation and Misalignment Effect in Optical Wireless Nano-Networks," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2024.
- P. S. B. Ghouse, P. Kumar, P. R. Mane, S. Pathan, T. Ali, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and J. Anguera, "Dual-Band Antenna at 28 and 38 GHz Using Internal Stubs and Slot Perturbations," Technologies, 2024.
P. Shariff B. G., T. Ali, P. Kumar, S. Pathan, G. Simha G. D., P. R. Mane, G. N. Alsath and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, "Dual-Band Compact Six-Element Millimeter Wave MIMO Antenna: Design, Characterization, and its Application for V2V Communication," in IEEE Access, 2024.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. E. Trevlakis, T. A. Tsiftsis, "Holographic RIS Empowered THz Communications with Hardware Imperfections under Adverse Weather Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024.
D.M. John, S. Vincent, S. Pathan, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Anguera, T. Ali, and R. M. David, “Eight Element Wideband Antenna with Improved Isolation for 5G Mid Band Applications ," Technologies, vol. 12, no. 200, 2024.
X. Luo, L. Yang and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, “Performance Assessment of Active-RIS-Assisted Mixed RF-UAC Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024.
W. Khalid, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. V. Chien, J. Lee, H. Lee and H. Yu, “Optimal Operation of Active RIS-Aided Wireless Powered Communications in IoT Networks,” in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
Y. Du, N. Qi, X. Li, M. Xia, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and T. A. Tsiftis, “Distributed Multi-UAV Trajectory Planning for Downlink Transmission: a GNN-Enhanced DRL Approach,” in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024.
M. Liu, H. Peng, P. Zhang, M. Zeng, Z. Zhu, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Dev, and X. Li, “RIS-Segmented Symbiotic Covert Cooperative Backscatter Communication Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024.
V. Kouvakis, S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, H. Liu, W. Khalid, T. Tsiftsis, and O. Dobre, “Hierarchical Blockchain Radio Access Networks: Architecture, Modelling, and Performance Assessment,” IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society, 2025.
X. Kang, N. Qi, L. Lv, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. A. Tsiftsis, and H. Liu, “Covert Communications in Active-IOS Aided Uplink NOMA Systems With Full-Duplex Receiver,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2025.

- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, and A. Michalas, "On the physical layer security capabilities of reconfigurable intelligent surface empowered wireless systems," arxiv, 2023.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Yaqub, R. Desai, T. Sanguanpuak, N. Katzouris, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexiou, and M. Di Renzo, "Artificial Intelligence Empowered Multiple Access for Ultra Reliable and Low Latency THz Wireless Networks," Arxiv, 2023.
- A. P. Chrysologou, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and Z. Ding, "On the Reliability and Security of Ambient Backscatter Uplink NOMA Networks," ArXiv, 2024
International Conferences
- M. Mokhtar, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. K. Karagiannidis, and N. Al-Dhahir, “Dual-hop OFDM opportunistic AF relaying under joint transmit/receive I/Q imbalance,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Atlanta, USA, December 2013.
- G. D. Ntouni, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. S. Karas, T. A. Tsiftsis, F. Foukalas, V. M. Kapinas, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Inter-band carrier aggregation in heterogeneous networks: Design and assessment,” in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Barcelona, Spain, August 2014, pp. 1-6.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. D. Ntouni, D. S. Karas, T. A. Tsiftsis, F. Foukalas, G. K. Karagiannidis, and C. Thomos, “MIMO Link Adaptation with Carrier Aggregation in LTE-A Heterogeneous Networks,” in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), pp. 765-767, Paris, France, June 2015.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. Chatzidiamantis, G. K. Karagiannidis, and L. Georgiadis, “Energy detection under RF impairments for cognitive radio,” in IEEE ICC 2015 – Seventh Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Networks (CoCoNet7) (ICC’15 – Workshops 16), London, United Kingdom, Jun. 2015.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. C. Sofotasios, S. Muhaidat, M. Valkama, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “The effects of RF impairments in Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications,” in IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications – (PIMRC): Fundamentals and PHY (IEEE PIMRC2015 Fundamentals & PHY), Hong Kong, P.R. China, Aug. 2015.
- D. S. Kaitalidou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and F.-N. Pavlidou, “Comparison of CSMA/CA Protocols Applied in Wireless Body Area Network Standards,” in 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELCON 2016): Intelligent & Efficient Technologies & Services for the Citizen, Limassol, Cyprus, Apr. 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, H. A. Bany Salameh, and G. K. Karagiannidis “On the Effects of I/Q Imbalance on Sensing Performance in Full-Duplex Cognitive Radios,” in IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference WS 8: IEEE WCNC’ 2016 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS), Doha, Qatar, Apr. 2016.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. C. Sofotasios, B. Selim, S. Muhaidat, G. K. Karagiannidis, and M. Valkama, “Outage Probability under I/Q Imbalance and Cascaded Fading Effects,” in International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2016.
- D. S. Kaitalidou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and F.-N. Pavlidou, “Comparative Analysis of Medium Access Techniques in Wireless Body Area Networks,” in International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2016.
- F. Kalbat, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Al-Dweik, B. S. Sharif, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Impact of Carrier Frequency Offset on the Performance of Precoded OFDM Systems,” UAE Graduate Students Research Conference 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 2017.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. N. Papasotiriou, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Lehtomaki, A. Alexiou, and M. Juntii, “Performance Evaluation of THz Wireless Systems Operating in 275-400 GHz Band,” in IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal, June 2018.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “On the Impact of Misalignment Fading in Transdermal Optical Wireless Communications“, in 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2018.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Outage Performance of Transdermal Optical Wireless Links in the Presence of Pointing Errors“, in 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2018, Kalamata, Greece, June 2018.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. Goudos, and A. Alexiou, “Users Association in Ultra Dense THz Networks“, in 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2018, Kalamata, Greece, June 2018.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Papasotiriou, and A. Alexiou, “A distance and bandwidth dependent adaptive modulation scheme for THz communications,” in 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2018, Kalamata, Greece, June 2018.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Lehtomaki, A. Alexiou, and M. Juntii, “A New Look to 275 to 400 GHz Band Channel Model and Performance Evaluation,” in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2018, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2018.
- G. Stratidakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “A cooperative localization-aided tracking algorithm for THz wireless systems,” in IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Analytical Performance Evaluation of Beamforming Under Transceivers Hardware Imperfections,” in IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Performance Evaluation of THz Wireless Systems Under the Joint Impact of Misalignment Fading and Phase Noise,” in EUCNC 2019.
- J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, M. Aminu, J. Lehtomaki, A. Alexiou, M. Juntti, “Stochastic antenna misalignment impact on the antenna gains in the THz band,” third International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, Jun. 2019.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Performance evaluation of the initial access procedure in wireless THz systems,” International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Aug. 2019
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. N. Papasotiriou, and A. Alexiou, “Analytical Performance Evaluation of THz Wireless Fiber Extenders,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2019.
- E. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Ergodic capacity evaluation of wireless THz fiber extenders,” WWRF, WG High Frequencies (mmWAVE and THz) Radio Communications Technologies, 2019.
- G. Stratidakis, E. N. Papasotiriou, H. Konstantinis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Relay-Based Blockage and Antenna Misalignment Mitigation in THz Wireless Communications,” 2nd 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), Mar. 2020.
- J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, M. Aminu, J. Lehtomaki, A. Alexiou, and M. Juntti, “Stochastic Analysis of Indoor THz Uplink with Co-channel Interference and Phase Noise,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020 Workshop on Terahertz Communications, Jun. 2020.
- G. Stratidakis, G. D. Ntouni, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. Kritharidis, and A. Alexiou, “A low-overhead beam-tracking algorithm for THz wireless systems,” European Conference on Networks and Communications, Jun. 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Outage probability analysis of THz Relaying Systems,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2020.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Stratakou, and A. Alexiou, “Performance evaluation of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted D-band wireless communication,” IEEE 5G World Forum 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Ergodic capacity analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted wireless systems,” IEEE 5G World Forum 2020.
- K. Ntontin, D. Selimis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. A. Alexandridis, A. Tsolis, V. Vlachodimitropoulos, and F. Lazarakis, “Optimal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Placement in Millimeter-Wave Communications,” 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Dusseldorf, Germany, Mar. 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Pathloss modeling of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systems,” submitted for possible publication to IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2021.
- T. Sachinidis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Dual-hop Blockchain Radio Access Networks for Advanced Coverage Expansion,” in 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun 2021.
- S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and N. D. Chatzidiamantis, “Pathloss modeling for in-body optical wireless communications,” in 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun 2021.
- D. Pliatsios, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, I. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Semi-Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Tactile Internet of Things,” in IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Virtual Conference, Sept. 2021.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Haneda, M. F. De Guzman, and A. Alexiou, “A new look to THz wireless links: Fading modeling and capacity assessment,” IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC): Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Terahertz Communications, Virtual Conference, Sept. 2021.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “On the Impact of Beam Misalignment in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted THz Systems,” IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Virtual Conference, Sep. 2021.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “Fading Modeling in Indoor THz Wireless Systems.” Fourth International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia, Sep. 2021.
- M. Louta, T. Kyriakidis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Banti, I. Karampelia, T. Dimakis, V. Lazaridis, S. Lappos, E. Mpagkavou, and I. Gkanatsa, “AUGEIAS: Intelligent IoT management platform for treated wastewater reuse in precision agriculture,” 6th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), Preveza, Greece, Sep. 2021.
A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, H. G. Sandalidis, A. Alexiou, and M. Di Renzo, “Performance Analysis of Multi-Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered THz Wireless Systems,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022.
- K. Ntontin, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Bjornson, D. Selimis, W. A. Martins, S. Abadal, A. Alexiou, F. Lazarakis, S. Kisseleff, and S. Chatzinotas, “Autonomous Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Through Wireless Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 2022.
- T. Dimakis, M. Louta, T. Kyriakidis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Banti, I. Karampelia, and N. Papadimitriou, “GreenLoRaWAN: An Energy Efficient and Resilient LoRaWAN Communication Protocol,” IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), June 2022.
- K. Banti, I. Karampelia, E. Tsipis, T. Dimakis, N. Papadimitriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Kyriakis, T. Karamitsou, C. Karapiperis, S. Lappos, E. Bagkavou, T. Adamidis, I. Gnanatsa, and M. Louta, “Intelligent mechanisms for irrigation optimization via treated wastewater management in precision agriculture – The AUGEIAS example,” 5th EWaS (Efficient Water Systems) International Conference, July 2022.
- D. Pliatsios, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. Angelidis, A. Michalas, I. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Throughput Assessment of Priority-Based Semi-Grant-Free NOMA Protocol,” IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2022.
- E. N. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, M. F. De Guzman, K. Haneda, “Stochastic Characterization of Outdoor Terahertz Channels Through Mixture Gaussian Processes,” EEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2022.
- P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, C. Dalamagkas, T. Lagkas, M. Zafeiropoulou, M. Atanasova, P. Zlatev, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. Argyriou, E. K. Markakis, I. Moscholios, P. Sarigiannidis, “False Data Injection Attacks against Low Voltage Distribution Systems,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2022
- K. Ntontin, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, Z. Abdullah, A. Mesodiakaki, S. Abadal, and S. Charzinotas, “Time vs. Unit Cell Splitting for Autonomous Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2022
- A. Chrysologou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, N. Chatzidiamantis, and A. Alexiou, “Outage Analysis of Holographic Surface Assisted Downlink TeraHertz NOMA,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2022
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, and M. Di Renzo “Throughput analysis of RIS-assisted UAV wireless systems under disorientation and misalignment,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2022
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos and A. Alexiou, “On the Ergodic Secrecy Capacity of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Systems Under Mixture Gamma Fading,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2023.
- G. D. Chondrogiannis, N. A. Mitsiou, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos and G. K. Karagiannidis, "Power-Optimal HARQ Protocol for Reliable Free Space Optical Communication," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1765-1770.
A. Nagy, G. Amponis, K. Kyranou, T. Lagkas, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. Sarigiannidis, and V. Argyriou, "AI-Powered Interfaces for Extended Reality to Support Remote Maintenance," 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 214-222.
- L. Mitsiou, S. Trevlakis, A. Tsiolas, D. J. Vergados, A. Michalas and A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, "Can graph neural network-based detection mitigate the impact of hardware imperfections?," 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), İstanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-5.
I. Siniosoglou,K. Xouveroudis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, D. Margounakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Applying Federated Learning on Decentralized Smart Farming: A Case Study," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1295-1300.
A. Liatifis, T. Lagkas, G. P. Katsikas, A. Bujari, V. Argyriou, A. Triantafyllou, A. Lytos, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Evaluating SDN Applicability in the Edge," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1571-1575.
- A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos and A. Alexiou, "Training Terahertz Wireless Systems to Battle I/Q Imbalance," 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), İstanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-5.
- A. P. Chrysologou, N. D. Chatzidiamantis, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos and G. K. Karagiannidis, "Performance Analysis of Ambient Backscatter Uplink NOMA Networks," 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), Florence, Italy, 2023, pp. 1-6.
- E. Koutsonas, S. E. Trevlakis, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, "A deep learning mobility management approach for RIS-empowered millimeter wave wireless systems," IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC), 2023.
- W. Khalid, H. Yu, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, "Outage Analysis for Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enhanced Wireless Powered Communication Networks," International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 2024.
- P. Tennakoon, D. N. K. Jayakody, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and T. Tsiftsis, "Multi-User Connectivity: Advanced User Grouping in RF/VLC Systems with SLIPT for Cooperative NOMA Networks," IEEE ICC 2024.
- V. Kouvakis, S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Tsiftsis, K. Singh, and N. Qi, "When Sign Language Meets Semantic Communications," IEEE PIMRC, 2024.
Y. Rong, T. A. Tsiftsis, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, ”Enhanced Covertness with Relay Selection over Nakagami-m Fading Channel,” IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Hangzhou, China, 2024, pp. 503-50
V. Kouvakis, S. E. Trevlakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, H. Liu, T. A. Tsiftsis, and O. A. Dobre “Markov Chain-based Model of Blockchain Radio Access Networks,” IEEE 29th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Athens, Greece, 2024.
E. Koutsonas, A.-A. A Boulogeorgos, S. E. Trevlakis, T. Ali, and T. A. Tsiftsis, “Modeling Blockage in high directional wireless systems,” IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC), Virtual Conference, 2024.
L. Tlebaldiyeva, S. Arzykulov, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. A. Tsiftsis, and G. Nauryzbayev, “Fluid Antenna Wireless Systems for Enhanced Spectrum Sensing,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.
S. E. Trevlakis, M. Belesioti, H. Koumaras, A.-A. A Boulogeorgos, I. Chochliouros, and T. A. Tsiftsis, “An Innovative Architectural Blueprint Towards Sustainable 6G Systems,” IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Athens, Greece, 2024
H. X. Liu, N. Qi, X. Li, A.-A. A Boulogeorgos, T. A. Tsiftsis, M. Xiao, and J. R¨oning, “IRS Channel Estimation in Cell-Free MIMO Network: A Coalition Formation Guided Federated Learning Approach,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2025.
P. Saikia, A. Jee, K. Singh, T. A. Tsiftsis and A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos, “Hybrid-RIS Empowered UAV-Aided ISAC Systems,” IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/VTC2024-Fall63153.2024.10757581.

Technical reports
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. D. Diamantoulakis, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications: Research Challenges and Future Trends,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.07449, Nov. 2016.
Projects deliverables
- F. Kaltenberger, F. Foukalas, T. Tsiftsis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, O. Holland, S. Ping, G. Vivier, J. Stanczak, and S. Traverso, “D2.2 Component-level requirements for scenarios and use cases,” SOLDER CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Sep. 2014.
- G. Vivier, S. Ping, O. Holland, J. Stanczak, T. Tsiftsis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, D. Karas, G. Karagiannidis, F. Foukalas, F. Kaltenberger, G. Arvanitakis, and S. Tracerso, “D3.1 Initial report of heterogeneous Carrier Aggregation in LTE- A and Beyond,” SOLDER CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Oct. 2014.
- K. Dobrajs, A. Alexiou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, F. Rodrigues, and D. Kritharidis, “D1.1 Project Management Plan,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, July 2017.
- K. Dobrajs, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Lehtomaki, M. Juntti, and D. Kritharidis, “D1.3 Data Management Plan,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Dec. 2017.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Machado, J. Kokkoniemi, R. Elschner, A. Mokhtar, D. Yankova, J. Lehtomaki, G. Ntouni, D. Kritharidis, T. Merkle, R. Ferreira, T. Dasaklis, and A. Alexiou, “D1.4 Periodic technical and administrative report,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Aug. 2018.
- J. Salgado, N. Silva, R. Elschner, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Katsiotis, D. Kritharidis, A. Alexiou, J. Kokkoniemi, and J. Lehtomaki, “D2.1 TERRANOVA system requirements,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Dec. 2017.
- R. Elschner, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Lehtomaki, F. Rodrigues, T. Merkle, and A. Alexiou, “D2.2 TERRANOVA system architecture,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Feb. 2018.
- A. Katsiotis, D. Kritharidis, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Lehtomaki, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, R. Elschner, T. Merkle, and A. Alexiou, “D3.1 Pencil beamforming and device tracking algorithms and performance, version 1.0,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Apr. 2018.
- J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Lehtomaki, G. Ntouni, M. Juntti, and A. Alexiou, “D3.2 Channel and Propagation Modelling and Characterization,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Aug. 2018.
- J. Kokkoniemi, M. Aminu, H. Juttula, J. Lehtomaki, M. Juntti, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, A. Alexiou, G. Ntouni, R. Elschner, and T. Merkle, “D3.3 Pencil beamforming and device tracking algorithms and performance, version 2.0,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Dec. 2018.
- E. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, J. Lehtomaki, J. Kokkoniemi, and D. Krithardis, “D3.4 THz information theoretic results,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Dec. 2018.
- J. Kokkoniemi, M. Aminu, H. Juttula, J. Lehtomaki, M. Juntti, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, A. Alexiou, G. Ntouni, R. Elschner, and T. Merkle, “D3.3 Pencil beamforming and device tracking algorithms and performance, version 2.0,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 2.0, Jan. 2019.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Mokhtar, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Lehtomaki, M. Juntti, J.-C. Point, G. Stratidakis, and A. Alexiou, “D4.1 TERRANOVA’s MAC layer definition & resource management formulation,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, June. 2018.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, E. Papasotiriou, J. Lehtomaki, J. Kokkoniemi, M. S. Mushtaq, M. Hatami, J.-C. Point, and A. Alexiou, “D4.2 THz-driven MAC layer design and caching overlay method,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Aug. 2019.
- T. Merkle, R. Elschner, G. Ntouni, F. Rodrigues, D. Kritharidis, A. Katsiotis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Lehtomaki, and A. Alexiou, “D5.1 Report on preliminary THz RF-Frontend and Antenna, Phased array beamforming, baseband algorithms and optical RF-frontend ready for implementation in off-line tests,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, June 2018.
- T. Merkle, F. Rodrigues, V. Tapio, J. Lehtomaki, M. Juntti, C. Castro, R. Elschner, F. Rodrigues, R. Ferreira, J. Lima, A. Tavares, G. Ntouni, D. Kritharidis, N. Skentos, C. Schubert, G. Stratidakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Machado, and A. Alexiou, “Report on final THz Baseband Algorithms and Phased Array Beam Forming ready for real-time implementation,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Dec. 2018.
- T. Merkle, C. Castro, R. Elschner, R. Ferreira, A. Tavares, F. Rodrigues, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, R. Elschner, J. Machado, E. Papasotiriou, G. Stratidakis, A. Alexiou, D. Kritharidis, and J. Lehtomaki, “D5.3 Report on final THz RF-Frontend and Antenna and optical RF-frontend for real-time demonstration,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, July. 2019.
- J. Machado, C. Schubert, F. Rodrigues, T. Merkle, J. Lehtomaki, J.-C. Point, A. Alexiou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Mokhtar, and T. Dasaklis, “D7.2 Standardisation activities-first release,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, June 2018.
- R. Elschner, G. Ntouni, C. Castro, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, S. Mushtaq, F. Rodrigues, D. Kritharidis, J. Lehtomaki, J. Kokkoniemi, T. Merkle, R. Ferreira, C. Schubert, and A. Alexiou, “D6.4 Report on planned THz demonstrator implementations and demonstration goals,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Feb. 2019.
- G. Ntouni, T. Merkle, D. Kritharidis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Kokkoniemi, R. Elschner, and A. Alexiou, “D6.1 THz beamforming demonstrator implementation report,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Jan. 2020.
- R. Elschner, C. Castro, R. Ferreira, T. Merkle, A. Alexiou, D. Kritharidis, F. Rodrigues, J. Kokkoniemi, and A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, “D6.2 THz High‐Capacity Demonstrator implementation report,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Jan. 2020.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Papasotiriou, G. Stratidakis, M. S. Mushtaq, H. Konstantinis, G. Ntouni, M. Senouci, R. Elschner, J. Kokkoniemi, and A. Alexiou, “D4.3 TERRANOVA’s resource management optimisation framework for THz networks,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, Jan. 2020.
- J. Machado, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Kokkoniemi, C. Castro, G. Ntouni, and A. Alexiou, “D2.3 Final Report on system level performance evaluation by simulations,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, v. 1.0, May 2020.
- S. Tcvetkova, M. D. Renzo, G. Ntouni, D. Kritharidis, K. Chartsias, K. Ntontin, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexandridis, J. Lamsa, M. Ibrahim, E. Yaqub, L. Luque, R. Cantó, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, E. Papasotiriou, and A. Alexiou, “D1.1: ARIADNE use case definition and system requirements,” ARIADNE Consortium, May 2020.
- J. Kokkoniemi, J. He, M. di Renzo, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, G. Stratidakis, R. Desai, E. Yaqub, K. Ntontin, and A. Alexiou, “D2.1-Initial results in D-band directional links analysis, system performance assessment, and algorithm design,” ARIADNE Consortium, Oct. 2020.
- T. Merkle, G. Ntouni, D. Kritharidis, P. Fratilescu, S. Garcia-Ruano, E. Carrasco-Yepez, G. Perez- Palomino, S. Tcetkova, A. Tsolis, A. Alexandridis, V. Vlachodimitropoulos, J. Kokkoniemi, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, and H. Hrascina, “D3.1-Report on baseband and antenna concepts,” ARIADNE Consortium, Nov. 2020.
- M. Di Renzo, A. Aravanis, X. Qian, H. Hrasnica, K. Ntontin, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexandridis, D. Selimis, A. Alexiou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and J. Kokkoniemi, “D2.2-Initial Results in D‐Band Ad‐Hoc Wireless Connectivity Analysis, Communication Theory Beyond Shannon, and Algorithm Design,” ARIADNE Consortium, May 2021.
- M. Di Renzo, A. Aravanis, X. Qian, H. Hrasnica, K. Ntontin, N. Katzouris, K. Manganaris, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexiou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, J. Kokkoniemi, J. He, E. Yaqub, R. Desai, H. Halmetoja, and T. Sanguanpuak, “D4.1-Initial results on adaptive directional LOS and NLOS reliable connectivity,” ARIADNE Consortium, May 2021.
- M. F. De Guzman, K. Haneda, M. Di Renzo, X. Qian, F. H. Danufane, H. Hrasnica, D. Selimis, F. Lazarakis, A. Alexandridis, J. Lankinen, T. Sanguanpuak, J. Lämsä, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Pyhtilä, P. Sangi, S. Pérez-Pe ̃na, D. Pimiernta-del-Valle, P. Gracia-del-Pino, J. M. Riera, E. Papasotiriou, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and A. Alexiou, “D1.2-Channel and Propagation Models,” ARIADNE Consortium, Nov. 2021.
- M. Di Renzo, N. Awarkeh, X. Qian, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, K. Manganaris, R. Schroeder, J. He, M. Juntti, J. Kokkoniemi, H. Hrasnica, and A. Alexiou, “D2.4-Final Results in Directional and Ad-Hoc Links Analysis, D-Band Communication Theory Framework, and Algorithm Designs,” ARIADNE Consortium, April 2022.
G. Stratidakis, S. Droulias, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, E. Papasotirou, A. Alexiou, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Pyhtila, P. Sangi, M. Juntti, T. Sanguanpuak, J. Korhonen, M. Di Renzo, F. Lazarakis, K. Manganaris, N. Katzouris, E. Alevizos, R. Desai, E. Yaqub, E. Pikasis, E. Tsirbas, S. Aloimonos, S. Grigoriadis, D. Mylonakis, D. Kritharidis, S. Tretyakov, and H. Hrasnica, “D1.3-Performance Evaluation Results,” ARIADNE Consortium, Oct. 2023.

White papers
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, D. Kritharidis, A. Katsiotis, G. Ntouni, J. Kokkoniemi, J. Lethtomaki, M. Juntti, A. Mokhtar, Dessy Yankova, J.-C. Point, J. Machodo, R. Elschner, C. Schubert, T. Merkle, R. Ferreira, F. Rodrigues, and J. Lima, “Wireless terahertz system architectures for networks beyond 5G,” TERRANOVA CONSORTIUM, White paper, v. 1.0, Jul. 2018.
- J. Machado, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, R. Escher, R. Ferreira, J. Kokkoniemi, N. Kokkalis, D. Kritharidis, G. Ntouni, S. Mushtaq, J.-C. Point, “Wireless Terahertz System Applications for Networks Beyond 5G,” TERRANOVA Consortium, White paper, v. 1.0, March 2019.
- D. C. Mur, A. Gavras, M. Ghoraishi, J. Hrasnica, A. Kaloxylos, M. Anastasopoulos, A. Tzanakaki, G. K. Srinivasan, K. Antevski, J. Baranda, K. De Schepper, C. E. Casetti, C. F. Chiasserini, A. Garcia-Saavedra, C. Guimarães, K. Kondepu, X. Li, L. Magoula, M. Malinverno, J. Mangues-Bafalluy, J. Martín-Pérez, R. Martínez, C. Papagianni, L. Valcarenghi, E. Zeydan, O. Alay, E. Aumayr, A.-M. C. Bosneag, G. Caso, E. Jimeno, M. Diamanti, G. Kakkavas, V. Karyotis, S. Papavassiliou, A. Stamou, S. Feghhi, E. Mohamed, M. Xie, S. Zemouri, M. Gramaglia, T. Dreibholz, A. Elmokashfi, S. Majumdar, J. P. Roig, Y. Wang, W. Y. Poe, D. Lopez, K. Mahmood, R. Behravesh, G. Carrozzo, M. G. Pérez, A. H. Celdrán, J. M. J. Valero, A. Lekidis, G. M. Pérez, P. M. Sánchez, T. Subramanya, J. Martrat, P. Trakadas, A. Giannopoulos, S. Spantideas, E. Yaqub, R. Desai, R. Klinkenberg, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, A. Alexiou, J. He, N. Katzouris, F. Lazarakis, M. Di Renzo, J. Kokkoniemi, P. Bisson, D. Ayed, G. Chollon, A. Skarmeta, G. Gürkan, C. Benzaid, E. M. De Oca, A. A. P. Perales, J. Cosmas, B. Meunier, L. Shi, X. Zhang, A. Conti, T. E. Kennouche, F. Morselli, C. Murphy, H. Chergui, F. Devoti, Z. Xu, L. Zanzi, J. A. Calero, Q. Wang, M. A. Abdulkadir, S. Katta, J. Costa-Requena, A. Yesilkaya, S. Videv, J. Prados-Garzon, L. Chinchilla-Romero, P. Muñoz-Luengo, J. J. Ramos-Munoz, C. Colman-Meixner, X. Zhou, S. Yan, E. Aumayr, M. Goodarzi, and T. Cogalan, “AI and ML – Enablers for Beyond 5G Networks”, 5G PPP Technology Board, v. 1.0, May 2021.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. M. Kapinas, R. Schober, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “EP3349361 (B1)-A method for the exploitation of image interference in multi-carrier wireless systems,” European Patent Office, 2018.
- A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. M. Kapinas, R. Schober, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “GR1009247 (B) -A method for the exploitation of image interference in multi-carrier wireless systems,” Greek Industrial Property Organization, 2017.